Tai Chi & Qigong Classes

Shibashi 3 – Full Routine


Shibashi 3 consists of 18 exercises that are intended as a sequence.

The video below runs through the full sequence with commentary on the exercises. A more detailed breakdown of the individual exercises is also available. Shibashi 3 – Video Tutorials

Shibashi Set 3

Set 3 is a really well-balanced set of 18 Qigong exercises and, true to its subtitle of ‘Taiji Qigong’, includes the classic Tai Chi move ‘Part the Horse’s Mane’ modified for Qigong purposes although arguably it remains the most complex of the 18 exercises. Only 3 exercises require a 2-breath pattern and the remainder are low in complexity making them easy to learn.
Throughout the set there are exercises to work each of the 3 axes of movement; flexion-extension (Gather in the Good Energy…, Pointing to Needles at the Bottom of the Sea), rotation (Point to the Setting Sun, Thrusting the Fist with Inner Power) and lateral flexion (Sway with Prayer-Like Palms).
There are exercises for building lower-body strength (The Lotus Blossoms, Open Heaven and Earth) and for improving dynamic balance (Swing to the Left and Right, Point to the Setting Sun) and subtle variations of Balancing the Qi to open and close the set (Stretch to the Sky, Push Palms Down). Plus, the quirky Feel Happiness showing the playful side of Qigong.
Transitions from one exercise to the next are fairly straightforward so the whole set works as a continuous workout of 18 – 20 minutes that leaves you relaxed and energised.
The video below runs through the full sequence with commentary on the exercises. A more detailed breakdown of the individual exercises is also available. Shibashi 3 – Video Tutorials


Shibashi Set 3
Shibashi Set 3 - Full Exercise Routine
Video will appear here after purchase

List of Exercises

  1. Stretch to the Sky
  2. Expand the Chest
  3. Swing to the Left & Right
  4. Blossoming Lotus
  5. Point to the Setting Sun
  6. Point to Neeedles at the Bottom of the Sea
  7. Opening Heaven & Earth
  8. Thrusting the Fist with Inner Power
  9. Swaying with Prayer-Like Palms

  1. Spread Wings to Fly
  2. Part the Wild Horse’s Mane
  3. Pushing Palms Forwards
  4. Massaging the Dantian
  5. Gather in the Good Energy …
  6. Clearing the Meridians
  7. Directing the Qi
  8. Feel Happiness
  9. Push Palms Down

SKU: VL-SHI-6-1-1 Category: