18 Jun Yang Short Form – Part 3

The way to concentrate the qi is to develop suppleness Lao Tzu
This form is derived from the classic Yang short form of Cheng Man-Ch’ing and modified by one of his students, Dr Sam Lee to emphasise the Qigong aspects of the movements and maximise the health benefits.
The Tai Chi Form – Part 3
Continuing from the Tai Chi Form Part 2 (Move 32 below replaces Move 32 of Part 1). Balanced stance with shoulder-width feet pointing forwards. Spine upright, head upright, chin tucked slightly in. Joints relaxed, breathing in for 4 seconds and out for 4 seconds.
32Changing hands
Right Arm extends and arm circles down to right hip
Left fore-arm floats up to chest height
Step left foot out to wider stance, heel first, toes pointed out to front-left corner
Cloud Hands – 5
Slowly transfer weight to left foot
Body turns slightly to left
Hands drift across to align with left hip
33Isolated Single Whip
Step forwards with the right foot
Transfer weight to the right leg, form a ‘Crane’s Beak’ with the right hand supported with the left palm
Isolated Single Whip – Push
Step to the left with the left foot and push with the left palm
Place the Beak fingers pointing down, level with the jaw
34Snake Creeps Down
Arms float down releasing the ‘Beak’
Push hips back sinking into back leg
Turn left toes out
Golden Cockerel – Right
Transfer weight forwards onto left foot,
Float right knee, right arm fingertips up
Left palm faces floor beside left hip
35Step Back
Step back with right foot, toes pointed out
Right arm floats down
Golden Cockerel – Left
Float left knee, left arm fingertips up
Right palm faces floor beside left hip
36Pat the Horse – Right
Step forwards with the left foot
Arms float out, right fingers towards left front-corner,
Kick with Heel – Right
Arms cross in front of chest, right arm outermost as right knee floats up
Arms open, palms out as right foot kicks
37Pat the Horse – Left
Step back with the right foot
Arms float out, left fingers towards left back-corner,
Kick with Heel – Left
Arms cross in front of chest, left arm outermost as left knee floats up
Arms open, palms out as left foot kicks
Left arm floats across to right side
Step behind with left foot
Onto the balls of the feet
Twist 180˙ facing to the right
Kick with Toes
Arms in ‘Play Guitar’ position
Float left knee
Soft kick with toes
Place left heel,
39Circle Arms – Left
Right arm circles forwards down, back and up
Left arm circles up, back and down
Turning to the right from the waist
Left Brush Knee
Turn to the left and step wide with the left
Right palm pushes while left palm brushes over left thigh
40Circle Arms – Right
Weight sinks back, arms float down, left foot turns out
Turning to the left from the waist
Right arm circles up, back and down
Left arm circles back and up
Step Back and Repel
Step back with left foot, withdrawing left palm to left hip
Pressing right palm forwards
Straighten right foot, lifting the heel.
Left arm floats up palm facing in,
Right hand circles under left elbow to crossed forearms.
Weight in the left foot
Punching Low
Step forwards onto right foot, then step forwards with left loot
Left arm deflects downwards
Punch slightly down with fist
42Ward Off (Left)
Weight sinks back arms float down
Turn out left toes
Weight transfers into left leg
Arms float to the left side
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (i. Ward Off Right)
Step forwards with the right, transferring weight forwards, body upright
Rotate to the right, pivoting the left foot into a split stance
43Grasp the Bird’s Tail (ii. Roll Back)
Rotate to the left, the draw hips back
Right palm to the heart centre, left hand to the hip, palm upwards
Then left palm presses into right palm
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iii. Press)
Hips push forwards, then left hand slides over the back of the right hand and separates
44Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iv. Roll Back)
Hips move backwards, elbows draw back
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iv. Push)
Hips push forwards, palms slightly raised
45Single Whip – Draw Back
Hips move backwards, transfer weight to the left foot
Turn left 180 degrees, pivoting on the right heel
Single Whip – Push
Transfer weight to the right leg, form a ‘Crane’s Beak’ with the right hand
Pivot on the left toes, then step wide with the left foot and push with the left palm
Place the Beak fingers pointing down, level with the jaw
464 Directions – 1
Right arm vertical, fingers pointing upwards
Weight sinks into right foot
Pivot on left heel as left arm floats down towards waist
4 Directions – 1
Weight shifts to left foot
Pivot on right toes
Left circles to right elbow
474 Directions – 1
Weight shifts to right foot
Left hand follows right forearm up until hands meet
4 Directions – 1
Step forwards with left foot
Left elbow floats up, left arm horizontal in front of forehead
Both palms turn outwards
484 Directions – 2
Weight sinks back
Pivot on left heel, turn 90° right
Left arm vertical, Right arm circles outwards, round to meet left hand
4 Directions – 2
Step diagonally backwards with right foot
Pivot on left heel, then on right toes 180°
Weight forwards on right foot
Right elbow floats up, right arm horizontal in front of forehead, palms turn outwards
494 Directions – 3
Weight sinks back
Pivot on right heel 45° left
Right arm vertical, Left arm circles outwards, round to meet right hand
Weight moves onto right foot
4 Directions – 3
Step forwards with left foot
Left elbow floats up, left arm horizontal in front of forehead
Both palms turn outwards
504 Directions – 4
Weight sinks back
Pivot on left heel, turn 90° right
Left arm vertical, Right arm circles outwards, round to meet left hand
4 Directions – 4
Step diagonally backwards with right foot
Pivot on left heel, then on right toes 180°
Weight forwards on right foot
Right elbow floats up, right arm horizontal in front of forehead, palms turn outwards
51Sink Back
Weight sinks back, right toes turn out
Right arm vertical, Left arm circles outwards,
Sink Back
Step diagonally backwards with right foot
Pivot on left heel, then on right toes 180°
Weight forwards on right foot
Right elbow floats up, right arm horizontal in front of forehead, palms turn outwards
52Ward Off (Left)
Weight sinks back arms float down
Turn out left toes
Weight transfers into left leg
Arms float to the left side
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (i. Ward Off Right)
Step forwards with the right, transferring weight forwards, body upright
Rotate to the right, pivoting the left foot into a split stance
53Grasp the Bird’s Tail (ii. Roll Back)
Rotate to the left, the draw hips back
Right palm to the heart centre, left hand to the hip, palm upwards
Then left palm presses into right palm
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iii. Press)
Hips push forwards, then left hand slides over the back of the right hand and separates
54Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iv. Roll Back)
Hips move backwards, elbows draw back
Grasp the Bird’s Tail (iv. Push)
Hips push forwards, palms slightly raised
55Single Whip – Draw Back
Hips move backwards, transfer weight to the left foot
Turn left 180 degrees, pivoting on the right heel
Single Whip – Push
Transfer weight to the right leg, form a ‘Crane’s Beak’ with the right hand
Pivot on the left toes, then step wide with the left foot and push with the left palm
Place the Beak fingers pointing down, level with the jaw
56Snake Creeps Down
Arms float down releasing the ‘Beak’
Push hips back sinking into back leg
Turn left toes out
Seven Stars
Weight moves onto left foot
Right heel placed in front (Empty Stance)
Wrists cross, float up forehead height, soft fists, thumbs outwards
57Seven Stars
Keeping wrists crossed, open the hands and lower them below eye-level, then raise them again.
Seven Stars
Step back with the right foot
Hands float down
Left toes turn out
Weight moves onto left foot, arms float out to left side
Place ball of right foot, transfer weight and spin 360° around to right
Landing on left foot, ‘Play Guitar’ arms
Sweep the Lotus
Float right knee across to left side, then lengthen leg and sweep around to right,
placing toes down
59Bend the Bow
Hands turn and float down by left hip, turning into soft fists
Right heel in place of toes
Shoot the Tiger
Weight forward onto right foot
Fists float diagonally, top right
60Step, Parry & Punch
Weight sinks back into left foot
Turn out right toes
Right arm circles around to hip becoming a fist again
Left arm floats out left side, palm up
Weight moves onto right foot
Step with Punch
Step with the left, transferring the weight as
right hand punches covered by left hand
61Draw Back
Left palm slides under the fist, fist turns and opens
Hips draw back with palms towards the heart centre
Palms separate and turn forwards
Hips push forwards, palms slightly raised
62Draw Back
Hips move back as right arm rises to vertical
Left arm rises, left toes rise
pivoting on left heel, turning to the right
Turn and Close
Weight transfers to the left, lifting right heel
Arms circle, pivoting on right toes
Wrists cross at the forehead, palms towards the body
Weight balanced, feet parallel
62draw Back
Hips move back as right arm rises to vertical
Left arm rises, left toes rise
pivoting on left heel, turning to the right
Hips push forwards, palms slightly raised
63Draw Down
Crossed wrists float down, separating at the heart centre
Arms float out to the sides
Palms facing down
Transfer weight to the left
Arms float down to the sides
Right leg slides in, weight balances, feet together.
Tai Chi: Yang Short Form – Part 3 – Printable Version
Download and print these instructions to help you practice the form.
Posted at 10:47h, 03 JulyThank you for this. Useful to have as a reminder in between lessons.