18 Apr Tai Chi: Yang Short Form (Part 1)
![TaiChiForm-P1 Tai Chi: Yang Short Form - Part 1](https://activeqi.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/TaiChiForm-P1.jpg)
The way to concentrate the qi is to develop suppleness Lao Tzu
Our form is derived from the classic Yang style form of Cheng Man-Ch’ing and modified by one of his students, Dr Sam Lee to emphasise the Qi Gong aspects of the movements and maximise the health benefits.
The Form – Part 1
Stand with heels almost touching, feet turned out at 45 degrees, arms held loosely at the sides, palms facing in. Spine upright, head upright, chin tucked slightly in. Joints relaxed, breathing in for 4 seconds and out for 4 seconds.
1Opening (Preparation)
Sink, quarter-turn to the right, arms circle out and up to forehead height
Transfer weight into the right leg
Balance 1
Step to the left, turn to face forwards
Transfer the weight to the left leg, pivot on the right heel to a parallel stance as the palms float down to the thighs
With hands relaxed and fingers pointing downwards, wrists float up to chest height. Straighten the fingers and draw the elbows back
Balance 2
Palms float gently down to waist level
3Sink Left
Shift the weight to the left leg
Left hand rotates to form a ball
Pivot on the right heel and look to the right
Turn Right
Transfer the weight into the right leg, taking the ball forwards
Left arm floats up level with the right
Lifting the left heel, look to the left
4Ward-Off (Left)
Step with the left, left fore-arm floating up to chest height
Weight transfers into the left leg as right arm floats up level with the left
Lifting the right heel, look to the right
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (i. Ward-Off – Right)
Step forwards with the right, transferring the weight forwards, body upright
Rotate to the right, pivoting the left heel into the classic, split-stance
5Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (ii. Roll Back)
Rotate to the left, then draw the hips back
Right palm facing the heart, left hand floats down to the hip, palm upwards
Left palm rotates to meet right palm
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (iii. Press)
Hips move forwards, then left palm slides over the back of the right hand and hands separate
6Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (iv. Roll Back)
Hips move backwards, elbows draw back
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (v. Push)
Hips move forwards, palms slightly forwards
7Single Whip – Draw Back
Hips move backwards, transferring the weight onto the left foot
Turn left 180 degrees, pivoting on the right heel
Single Whip – Push
Transfer the weight to the right leg, forming a ‘Crane’s Beak’ with the right hand
Pivot on the left toes, then step wide with the left and push with the left palm
Placing the ‘beak’, fingers pointing down, level with the jaw
8Sinking Left
Transfer the weight onto the left foot, hands relax and float down
Look to the right, right heel rises
Play Guitar – Right
Draw the right toes in towards the left foot
Float the arms upwards slowly to chest height, left palm facing the right elbow
Lightly placing the right heel in front of the left at the end of the breath
9Pull Back
Arms turn and float down the left side
Right arm stops with palm facing the left hip
Left arm circles back and up
Step with Shoulder
Leading with the right shoulder,
Transfer the weight into the right foot with
Left palm facing forwards close to the right shoulder
10Crane Spreads it’s Wings
Hips draw back as
Left arm floats down and out and
Right arm floats up and out
Both palms facing forwards
Spread and Step
Transfer the shape forwards into the right foot
Turn to the left placing the left toes in front of the right heel
Right hand lowers to forehead height, left palm rises over left thigh
11Circle Arms
Right arm circles forwards, down, back and up
Left arm circles up, back and down
Turning at the waist to the right
Left Brush Knee
Turn to the left and step wide with the left
Right palm pushes while, left palm ‘brushes’ over left thigh
12Sinking Left
Right palms pushes forwards and floats down as
Weight transfers into the left leg
Right heel rises and right toes draw in behind left heel
Play Guitar – Left
Transfer all the weight into the right foot
Float the arms upwards slowly to chest height, right palm facing the left elbow
Lightly placing the left heel in front of the right at the end of the breath
13Circle Arms
Right arm circles forwards, down, back and up
Left arm circles up, back and down
Turning at the waist to the right
Left Brush Knee
Turn to the left and step wide with the left
Right palm pushes while, left palm ‘brushes’ over left thigh
14Pull Back
Hips draw back
Arms float down to the side, palms forwards
Left toes rise, waist turning slightly to the left
Hand to Qi Hai
Weight transfers onto the left
Right palm circles in to face Qi Hai
Left arm floats out to the left, level with right hand
15Step with Fist
Step with the right, transferring the weight to the right
Right hand forms a fist at right hip, palm up
Left hand continues circle upwards
Left heel rises
Step with Punch
Step with the left, transferring the weight as
Right hand punches, covered by the left hand
16Draw Back
Left palm slides under the fist
Fist turns and opens
Hips draw back with palms towards the heart centre
Palms separate and turn forwards
Hips move forwards, palms slightly forwards
17Draw Back
Hips move back as right arm rises to vertical
Left arm rises, left toes rise
Pivoting on left heel,turning to the right
Turn and Close
Weight transfers to left, lifting right heel
Arms circle, pivoting on right toes
Wrists cross at the forehead
Weight balanced, feet parallel
18Draw Down
Crossed wrists float down
Separating at the heart centre
Arms float down and out to the sides
Palms facing downwards
Transferring all the weight to left
Right leg slides in to meet the left
Arms float down to the sides
Weight balanced, feet together
Tai Chi Form – Printable Version
Download and print these instructions to help you practice the form.
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