28 Feb Tai Chi: Yang Short Form (Part 2)

The way to concentrate the qi is to develop suppleness Lao Tzu
This form is derived from the classic Yang short form of Cheng Man-Ch’ing and modified by one of his students, Dr Sam Lee to emphasise the Qigong aspects of the movements and maximise the health benefits.
The Tai Chi Form – Part 2
Continuing from the Tai Chi Form Part 1 (Move 18 below replaces Move 18 of Part 1). Balanced stance with shoulder-width feet pointing forwards. Spine upright, head upright, chin tucked slightly in. Joints relaxed, breathing in for 4 seconds and out for 4 seconds.
18Embrace Tiger
Arms open out and float down to chest height
Transfer weight to the left leg and turn to back-right corner (135˚ right)
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (i. Ward-Off – Right)
Step forwards with the right foot, transfer the weight forwards, body upright
Rotate to the right, pivoting the left foot into a split-stance
19Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (ii. Roll Back)
Rotate to the left, then draw the hips back
Right palm facing the heart, left hand floats down to the hip, palm upwards
Left palm rotates to meet right palm
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (iii. Press)
Hips move forwards, then left palm slides over the back of the right hand and hands separate
20Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (iv. Roll Back)
Hips move backwards, elbows draw back
Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (v. Push)
Hips move forwards, palms slightly forwards
21Single Whip – Draw Back
Hips move backwards, transferring the weight onto the left foot
Turn left 180 degrees, pivoting on the right heel (to front-left corner)
Single Whip – Push
Transfer the weight to the right leg, forming a ‘Crane’s Beak’ with the right hand
Pivot on the left toes, then step wide with the left and push with the left palm
Placing the ‘beak’, fingers pointing down, level with the jaw
22Open Arms
Open the arms at shoulder height as if welcoming a guest, weight moves back onto right foot.
Rotate Left
Rotate 45˚ left, bring left foot across at the end of the breath
23Sink Left
Arms float down as
Weight transfers to the left leg
Right heel rises and right toes draw in behind left heel
Play Guitar – Left
Transfer all the weight into right leg
Float the arms up slowly to chest height, right palm facing the left elbow
Lightly place left heel in front of right at the end of the breath
24Repulse Monkey – 1 (Offer)
Left hand, palm up floats forward
Right hand circles back and up
Step Back and Repel
Step back with left foot, withdrawing left palm to left hip
Pressing right palm forwards
Straighten right foot, lifting the heel.
25Repulse Monkey – 2 (Offer)
Right hand, palm up floats forward
Left hand circles back and up
Step Back and Repel
Step back with right foot, withdrawing right palm to right hip
Pressing left palm forwards
Straighten left foot, lifting the heel.
26Repulse Monkey – 3 (Offer)
Left hand, palm up floats forward
Right hand circles back and up
Step Back and Repel
Step back with left foot, withdrawing left palm to left hip
Pressing right palm forwards
Straighten right foot, lifting the heel.
27Diagonal Flying
Left arm floats up palm facing in,
Right hand circles under left elbow to crossed forearms.
Weight in the left foot
Place Monkey in Tree
Step back with the right foot
Pivot round on left heel, shift weight left
Pivot on right toes (facing front-right)
Right arm opens out to the side
28Sinking Right
Weight moves forwards onto right foot
Right hand circles down to right hip
Left arm straightens at chest height, palm in
Cloud Hands – 1
Step forwards with left foot (facing front)
Slowly transfer weight to left leg
Hands drift across to align with left hip
29Changing Hands
Left Arm extends and arm circles down to left hip
Right fore-arm floats up to chest height
Step right foot to shoulder width stance
Cloud Hands – 2
Slowly transfer weight to right foot
Hands drift across to align with right hip
30Changing Hands
Right Arm extends and arm circles down to right hip
Left fore-arm floats up to chest height
Step left foot out to wider stance
Cloud Hands – 3
Slowly transfer weight to left foot
Hands drift across to align with left hip
31Changing Hands
Left Arm extends and arm circles down to left hip
Right fore-arm floats up to chest height
Step right foot to shoulder width stance
Cloud Hands – 4
Slowly transfer weight to right foot
Hands drift across to align with right hip
32Changing Hands
Right Arm extends and arm circles down to right hip
Left fore-arm floats up to chest height
Step left foot out to wider stance
Cloud Hands – 5
Slowly transfer weight to left foot
Hands drift across to align with left hip
End of Tai Chi: Yang Short Form, Part 2
You may continue on to Part 3 (step-by-step instructions are here), or to finish…
33Closing – Part 2
Left Arm extends
Right Arm extends
Palms face down
Right leg draws in to meet left leg as arms float down to the side
Tai Chi: Yang Short Form – Part 2 – Printable Version
Download and print these instructions to help you practice the form.
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